Solar Buying Guide

Today, there are several ways to get electricity, which are significantly more environmentally friendly and which can also save a great deal in energy costs. We at Solar Masters want to attract more people to use energy in a more economical way and which is also environmentally friendly. Here we have collected all our products that are linked to using nature’s resources to obtain electricity such as wind and solar.

Many people are curious about solar energy but do not know where to start. This is a great place. If you are a few, e.g. a business owner, we will gladly come over and give a small lecture. But you can also find most things here.

Constant Decreasing Price of Solar power Installation in Australia

The investment cost for an Australian solar system includes both hardware and indirect costs. Hardware includes panels, solar inverters in GoldCoast, mounting material and other electronics and cables. Among the indirect the costs include planning, installation work, freight, commissioning and marginal gains. Historically, the solar panels have, and to some extent also the inverters, accounted for the majority of the cost of Australian solar system. In recent years, price reductions for solar cell systems have been mainly due to one decline in prices for Panels and Inverters.

Things to consider when going Solar

  1. Assess Your Energy Needs: Start by evaluating your current energy consumption patterns. Review your utility bills to understand your average monthly usage and identify peak demand periods. This information will help determine the size of the solar system needed to meet your energy needs effectively.
  2. Understand Your Roof: Evaluate the suitability of your roof for solar panel installation. Consider factors such as orientation, tilt, shading, and structural integrity. South-facing roofs with minimal shading typically receive the most sunlight, maximising solar energy production.
  3. Set Your Budget: Determine your budget for solar panel installation, taking into account upfront costs, financing options, and long-term savings. While solar panels require an initial investment, they offer significant long-term savings on electricity bills and potential incentives or rebates.
  4. Research Solar Panel Brands: Explore reputable solar panel brands known for quality, efficiency, and reliability. Consider factors such as efficiency ratings, warranty coverage, and company reputation when comparing different brands.
  5. Consider Panel Efficiency: Look for solar panels with high efficiency ratings to maximise energy production and space utilization. Efficiency ratings indicate the percentage of sunlight converted into electricity, with higher ratings translating to greater energy output.
  6. Evaluate Inverter Options: Inverters convert the DC electricity generated by solar panels into usable AC electricity for your home. Choose between string inverters, micro inverters, or power optimisers based on your system design, shading conditions, and budget.
  7. Explore Financing Options: Research financing options for solar panel installation, including cash purchase, solar loans, leases, and power purchase agreements (PPAs). Evaluate the pros and cons of each option to find the best fit for your financial situation and goals.
  8. Understand Incentives and Rebates: Research available incentives, rebates, and tax credits for solar panel installation at the federal, state, and local levels. These incentives can significantly reduce the upfront cost of solar and accelerate your return on investment.
  9. Get Multiple Quotes: Obtain quotes from multiple solar installers to compare prices, equipment, warranties, and installation services. Look for experienced installers with a proven track record of quality workmanship and customer satisfaction.
  10. Review Warranty Coverage: Review the warranty coverage offered by solar panel manufacturers and installers. Ensure that your solar panels are backed by comprehensive warranties covering product defects, performance guarantees, and installation workmanship.
  11. Consider Monitoring and Maintenance: Explore monitoring and maintenance options to ensure optimal performance and longevity of your solar system. Monitoring systems allow you to track energy production and identify potential issues, while regular maintenance can prolong the lifespan of your solar panels.
  12. Plan for Net Metering: Understand your utility's net metering policies, which allow you to receive credit for excess solar electricity exported to the grid. Net metering can further enhance the financial benefits of solar panel installation by offsetting electricity costs during periods of low solar production.

Some Thumb Rules:

The repayment period is 4-6 years. Large solar system in Australia have better economy than small ones, sheet metal roofs are easier to mount and roofs facing south are best. East-west facing roofs are also good, but you may lose 20% on the exchange throughout the year. But some households use most energy in the mornings and evenings, so an east-west roof might be the best.

You can compare with bank interest rates or other money investments; an investment in solar energy yields about 20% return, which is not at all stupid. You can sell surplus energy back to the mains grid, but you will not receive a tax deduction for everything if you send out more than what you also buy in a year.

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